
Below are a list of resources and websites that relate to Schneider Wealth Management of ACPI and the investment industry in general.

Financial Resources

Click the below links to visit each website (opens in a new tab):

Our Dealer – they support our operations

Provides custody, trade execution, back office, and brokerage solutions to Schneider Wealth Management of ACPI

IIROC provides national oversight for the rules and regulations of the Canadian investment industry

A useful tool that can show you the wonderful compounding effect that investing can give over time

Jason Fremlin’s self-published book on his investment strategy

Where you can view and access your investment accounts held with Schneider Wealth Management of ACPI

Our firm – they support Schneider Wealth Management of ACPI with the necessary paperwork, compliance, and tools and resources necessary to better serve our clients

Provides custody, trade execution, back office, and brokerage solutions to Schneider Wealth Management of ACPI

IIROC provides national oversight for the rules and regulations of the Canadian investment industry

A useful tool that can show you the wonderful compounding effect that investing can give over time

Jason Fremlin’s self-published book on his investment strategy

Schneider Wealth Management of ACPI


401-740 Hillside Avenue
Victoria, BC V8T 1Z4

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 6:00am to 4:00pm PT